Udac is consistently investing in our community – especially when an individual is exploring employment opportunities. Recently, Chloe Tralle, an employment service coordinator at Udac, participated in a 3-week-training course through Griffin-Hammis Associates, the international leader in the evolution of Customized Employment. Because of the extra credentialing that Tralle received, she is now is better prepared to meet the needs of both the employer and the individual that Udac serves—ultimately supporting the workforce within our community.
Customized employment is based on an individualized determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the person with a disability, and is also designed to meet the specific needs of the employer. It provides reasonable accommodations and supports necessary for the individual to perform the functions of a job that is individually negotiated and developed.
“Ultimately, we want to make a long-term-job connection for both the business and the individual performing the job duties.” states Ann Dahl, Director of Programming at Udac. “Chloe is better trained now to work with individuals and help them discover what they are interested in and what skill-set they bring to the table”. The ultimate goal is to find their interests and strengths so they enjoy going to work.
Chloe Tralle has worked at Udac since July of 2018 and her goal is to help people live better and have a better quality of life. She wants individuals to be proud of the work they do and feel interested and vested throughout the process.
If you are interested in learning more about how Udac can help solve your business needs, please call Chris McCord at 218-722-5867.